Pro Bono Attorneys

Pro Bono Attorneys

We offer a variety of ways you can engage with us to deliver justice for all Central Floridians. Whether you are a recent law grad or seasoned professional, we provide opportunities that match your interests, availability, and expertise.

For every matter you take with us we offer primary malpractice insurance, CLE accredited training, model pleadings and forms, legal advice checklists, cost reimbursements, and much more. We are here to support you every step of the way! Find out more about how we support you.

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Below are some ways that you can connect with our mission:

Legal Advice Clinics

Legal Advice Clinics

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Take a Case

Take a Case

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Pro Bono Peer Academy

Pro Bono Peer Academy

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Pro Bono Office Hours

Pro Bono Office Hours

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Emeritus Lawyers

Emeritus Lawyers

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District court of appeals

Custom Opportunities

Custom Opportunities

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Annual Pro Bono Awards

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Annual Pro Bono Awards