Our Blog

Our Blog

Learn more about CLS through our blogs, Beyond the Verdict and The Advocate’s Voice.

In Beyond the Verdict, you will discover the real-world impact of CLS’s legal assistance through anonymized or consented testimonials. These powerful stories highlight how CLS supports individuals with crucial legal services, showcasing our work to potential clients and inspiring donor engagement. Learn more about the importance of accessible legal services today.

In The Advocate’s Voice, you will explore educational and awareness content from CLS, offering accessible legal and non-legal information from our events and experts. You will engage with inspiring stories and testimonials from clients, volunteers, and donors, and learn how CLS makes a meaningful impact in the community.

Read Our First Blog Entry!

When you think of a trial, you picture courtrooms with ornate fixtures, judges with robes and gavels, lawyers with expensive suits, and the plaintiff and defendant awaiting the verdict.  But what about the stories behind the trial?  Who is the attorney passionately defending their client?    What brought the parties to the courtroom?  How did they fight for justice, and how will it impact their lives?  Who are the people behind the cases?

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