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41–50 of 123 results

  • Food Assistance (SNAP)

    In Florida, there are two types of food assistance programs administered by the Department of Children and Families (DCF) — the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, also known as “food stamps”) and SUNCAP. These programs are designed to provide low-income Floridians the opportunity to purchase healthy food. If you are…

    Financial Matters

    Public Benefits
  • For Advocates: Florida’s MLP Network

    Are you currently involved with MLP activities in Florida? Are you a lawyer, healthcare provider, or administrator interested in starting your own MLP in Florida? Join the Florida Medical-Legal Partnership Network. Contact CLS Manager of Public Interest and Medical-Legal Partnerships, Christina Russo Walters for more information. Download the Florida Medical-Legal…
  • Fraud & Unfair Agreements

    Our world is a complex place. Getting anything done often involves a contract, sharing personal information, and money changing hands. Because of this, some people or businesses will take advantage of a person who is not aware of their rights or does not have enough information to make a fully…

    Issues & Rights

    Fraud & Unfair Agreements
  • Grace Medical Home Medical-Legal Partnership

    The Grace Medical Home Medical-Legal Partnership (GMH-MLP) provides civil legal assistance to low-income patients of Grace Medial Home in an effort to improve their health. Our advocates work closely with Grace Medical Home staff to accept referrals and provide consultations to patients. Only current patients of Grace Medical Home are…
  • Harassment at Work

    Harassment is a form of employment discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, (ADEA), and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, (ADA). Read below for more detailed information on harassment. If you believe you are the…

    Issues & Rights

    Discrimination/Workers’ Rights
  • Health

    For people unfamiliar with the healthcare system, navigating insurance plans and providers to find quality medical coverage can seem complex, expensive, and a bit intimidating. Thanks to the combined efforts of the federal government and the state of Florida, it is entirely possible for almost every individual or family to…

    Family & Personal

  • Health Care Wishes and Advance Directives

    Every competent adult has the fundamental right to make decisions about their own health, including the right to choose or refuse medical treatment. If you become incapacitated and can no longer make your own decisions, “advance directives” are helpful tools to enforce your health care wishes. Properly executed advance directives…

    Family & Personal

    Wills, Estates, & Powers of Attorney
  • Homeless or Displaced Students

    During a disaster, children may get separated from their parents or guardians. Parents may place children with friends or relatives during an emergency evacuation or until their damaged home can be restored. Other youth may be separated from their parents or guardian and be on their own entirely during this…

    Issues & Rights

    Student & Children’s Rights
  • Homeowners Insurance after Disaster

    If your property was affected by a natural disaster and you had a home and/or flood insurance policy, you may file an insurance claim to determine whether you have coverage for your damages. Community Legal Services can help you file a claim and explain the insurance coverage options that are…

    Financial Matters

    Disaster Relief
  • Hope & Help Medical-Legal Partnership

    In an effort to explore how medical-legal partnerships can support people living with HIV who have a history of involvement with the justice system, the Hope & Help Medical-Legal Partnership (H&H MLP) provides civil legal assistance to low-income patients of Hope & Help participating in a University of Central Florida…