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21–23 of 23 results

  • Security Deposit on Rental Homes

    Under Florida Statute 83.43(12), “security deposit” is defined as: “any moneys held by the landlord as security for the performance of the rental agreement, including, but not limited to, monetary damage to the landlord caused by the tenant’s breach of lease prior to the expiration thereof.”  The security deposit is money that…

    Family & Personal

  • Subsidized Housing for Elderly and Disabled People

    The Section 202 Program offers supportive housing specifically for the elderly and disabled. Families of Section 202 housing live in apartments owned by churches and other non-profit organizations, as well as for-profit corporations and housing partnerships. Generally, only efficiency units or one-bedroom apartments are offered to eligible people or families. …

    Family & Personal

  • Unlawful Detainers to Remove Unwanted Occupant

    When there is no agreement to pay rent, an unlawful detainer lawsuit may be filed by a property owner (or a person in lawful possession of the property) to recover possession of the property from an unwanted occupant. While unlawful detainers are very similar to ejectments, the unwanted occupant in…

    Family & Personal
