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11–20 of 20 results

  • Mortgage Foreclosures

    People who take out a loan to purchase a home in Florida typically sign a promissory note and a mortgage. A promissory note is a document containing the borrower’s promise to repay the loan, as well as the terms for repayment. The mortgage creates a security interest in the property.…

    Family & Personal


    Financial Matters

    Debt & Creditors
  • Mortgage Hardship after Disaster

    When homeowners struggle to make their mortgage payments, there are options to consider.  Fortunately, most mortgage loans (three out of five) made in the United States are government-sponsored or government-insured, and, as a result, the rules governing how homeowners with these mortgages will be treated after disasters or set-backs are…

    Financial Matters

    Debt & Creditors | Disaster Relief
  • Paycheck Garnishment

    In Florida, creditors (people or companies that you owe) are permitted to take, seize, or “garnish” your wages to pay debts that you owe. If a creditor sues you and wins to recover the remainder of your debt, they will obtain a “Final Judgment” against you. It is important to…

    Financial Matters

    Debt & Creditors
  • Prevent Home Foreclosure

    Foreclosure occurs when the homeowner is unable to make mortgage loan payments as required. If you miss payments, your lender may be able to legally take back the property through a legal process known as foreclosure. 

    Family & Personal


    Financial Matters

    Debt & Creditors
  • Problems with a Legal Contract

    A contract is an agreement between people or legal entities, such as a business or an organization, in which one party agrees to perform a service or provide goods in exchange for money or other goods or services. A person, company, or other legal entity who signs a contract is…

    Financial Matters

    Debt & Creditors
  • Repossession

    If you fall behind on your car loan payments, your lender can take back your car. This is called “repossession”. A “lender” is the person or company that you agreed to pay on a regular basis when they financed the purchase of your car. When you fall so far behind…

    Financial Matters

    Debt & Creditors
  • Student Loans

    If you apply for financial aid in order to pay for your higher education costs, you may be offered loans as part of your school’s financial aid offer. A loan is money you borrow and must pay back with interest.    If you decide to take out a loan, make sure…

    Financial Matters

    Debt & Creditors
  • Take Back Your Property Through Replevin

    Replevin is the legal action you can use to get your personal property back when someone has wrongfully taken it and refuses to give it back. If this happens, you may also recover financial losses as a result of the wrongful taking of property or because you were unable to…

    Financial Matters

    Debt & Creditors
  • Unfair Lending Practices (Predatory Loans)

    Predatory lending occurs when a company extends credit to a person without thinking about whether or not the person will be able to repay the loan. This often happens when you are buying a car, taking out student loans, or buying a vehicle. Most companies who loan money to people…

    Financial Matters

    Debt & Creditors
  • When a Debt Collector Sues You

    If you are sued over a debt, you can defend your case. The steps you take depend upon what court you are being sued in. If you are being sued for less than $8,000, then your case will be in Small Claims Court; if over $8,000, then you will be…

    Financial Matters

    Debt & Creditors