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101–110 of 123 results

  • Social Security Benefits

    Social Security benefits are paid to support people who are disabled (including children), people who have retired, survivors of workers who have died, and dependents of beneficiaries. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has several different programs depending on which of these categories you may fit into.  Social Security Disability Insurance…

    Financial Matters

    Public Benefits
  • Starting a Business

    A for-profit business is established for the purpose of making a profit for its owners or investors. The most common types of business structures are corporations, limited liability companies (also known as LLCs), sole proprietorships, and partnerships. The structure of the business determines how income from your business is taxed,…

    Financial Matters

    Starting a Business
  • Starting a Non-profit

    Starting a non-profit is a way to help others and serve the community. In a “corporation not for profit,” the primary goal of the corporation is to benefit the community, not to make a profit. This does not mean non-profits cannot make money. Instead, the money that is made is…

    Financial Matters

    Starting a Business
  • Student & Children’s Rights

    The mission and tradition of the Children’s Rights Unit of Community Legal Services (CLS) is to provide equal access and opportunity to all children in the State of Florida, especially those discriminated against due to their disabilities, race, nationality, gender or LGBTQ status. To fulfill our mission, CLS provides legal…

    Issues & Rights

    Student & Children’s Rights
  • Student & Children’s Rights

    The mission and tradition of the Children’s Rights Unit of Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida (CLSMF) is to provide equal access and opportunity to all children in the State of Florida, especially those discriminated against due to their disabilities, race, nationality, gender or LGBTQ status. To fulfill our mission, CLSMF…
  • Student Loans

    If you apply for financial aid in order to pay for your higher education costs, you may be offered loans as part of your school’s financial aid offer. A loan is money you borrow and must pay back with interest.    If you decide to take out a loan, make sure…

    Financial Matters

    Debt & Creditors
  • Students with Exceptional Needs

    Under federal and state law, each school district that accepts federal funding has a “child find” duty. This means that it is the school’s responsibility to identify all children in the school district who need exceptional (also known as “special”) student education services. This responsibility to find and support children…

    Issues & Rights

    Student & Children’s Rights
  • Subsidized Housing for Elderly and Disabled People

    The Section 202 Program offers supportive housing specifically for the elderly and disabled. Families of Section 202 housing live in apartments owned by churches and other non-profit organizations, as well as for-profit corporations and housing partnerships. Generally, only efficiency units or one-bedroom apartments are offered to eligible people or families. …

    Family & Personal

  • Survivor Benefits of Veterans

    Survivors of veterans who have passed away may be eligible for burial benefits, pension, or Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC). The only people who are considered survivors for VA benefits purposes are a spouse, child under the age of 18, or dependent parents.

    Family & Personal

    Military & Veterans
  • Take Back Your Property Through Replevin

    Replevin is the legal action you can use to get your personal property back when someone has wrongfully taken it and refuses to give it back. If this happens, you may also recover financial losses as a result of the wrongful taking of property or because you were unable to…

    Financial Matters

    Debt & Creditors