Hope & Help Medical-Legal Partnership

In an effort to explore how medical-legal partnerships can support people living with HIV who have a history of involvement with the justice system, the Hope & Help Medical-Legal Partnership (H&H MLP) provides civil legal assistance to low-income patients of Hope & Help participating in a University of Central Florida research study. Our advocates work closely with Hope & Help staff to identify patients who meet the research criteria and to provide legal services that can lead to improved health. 

How do you get help through this program?

    To be eligible for a referral to the H&H MLP advocates, you must enroll in the UCF research study. You might be eligible if you are: 

    • At least 18 years old; 
    • Living with HIV; and 
    • Have a history of criminal justice system involvement. 

    Individuals wishing to participate in the research study will fill out a social needs questionnaire that may identify legal needs. If a legal need is identified, Hope & Help staff will refer the patient to the H&H-MLP advocates. 

    If you are a patient at Hope & Help and would like to participate in the research study, contact Elizabeth Singh at 407-645-2577, ext 130 to see if you are eligible. 

    Hope & Help is a not-for-profit health organization and medical clinic offering HIV and STI testing, prevention, and treatment services in Lake, Orange, Osceola, or Seminole counties. For more information on eligibility and to register, contact Hope & Help. You can find them online at https://hopeandhelp.org/

What areas of law does the H&H-MLP help with?