Grace Medical Home Medical-Legal Partnership

The Grace Medical Home Medical-Legal Partnership (GMH-MLP) provides civil legal assistance to low-income patients of Grace Medial Home in an effort to improve their health. Our advocates work closely with Grace Medical Home staff to accept referrals and provide consultations to patients.

Only current patients of Grace Medical Home are eligible for legal assistance under this project.

How do you get help through this program?

    When patients register for medical assistance at Grace Medical Home, they fill out a social needs questionnaire that may identify legal needs. Legal needs are also identified by healthcare providers and other staff during patients’ office visits. Once a legal need is identified, the Grace Medical Home staff will refer the patient to the GMH-MLP

    If you are a patient at Grace Medical Home and would like a consultation with a GMH-MLP advocate, ask any staff member at the clinic to make a referral.

    Grace Medical Home is a non-profit medical home serving the low-income, uninsured residents of Orange County. For more information on eligibility and to register, contact Grace Medical Home. You can find them online at

What areas of law does the GMH-MLP help with?