Legal Help for Older Adults

Community Legal Services provides legal services at no-cost to people age 60 and over through funding from the Older Americans Act. These grants are intended to help keep central Florida older adults living healthy, independent lives.

Community Legal Services also offers specialized legal services for people who are age 55 and over who are caring for a relative who is either a minor child or a disabled adult who cannot live on their own.

You may download our current Central Florida resource guide for Elder-Caregivers here.

In many situations, we can provide legal advice or representation regardless of how high your monthly income is or how much money you have in savings accounts. Contact us to learn more.

The State of Florida, Department of Elder Affairs published the Older Floridian Handbook in 1980 and it is periodically updated with the help of pro bono professionals. This guide explains laws and programs impacting older adults.

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