
For people unfamiliar with the healthcare system, navigating insurance plans and providers to find quality medical coverage can seem complex, expensive, and a bit intimidating. Thanks to the combined efforts of the federal government and the state of Florida, it is entirely possible for almost every individual or family to find affordable health care that provides what they need.

Florida has a number of health care options available to its residents. 

Medicare is federal health care given to people dependent on their age (over 65), disability (receiving disability benefits), or diagnoses (end stage renal disease). Read more about Open Enrollment, here!

Medicaid is a state run program which provides relief to low income under certain conditions.

Florida KidCare is a group of four different programs that make sure the children living in Florida have coverage from birth through their 18th birthday.

The Affordable Care Act, passed in 2010, makes health coverage widely available to children and adults of all incomes, with legal protections in place to make sure that consumers have rights when dealing with private insurance providers and people with pre-existing conditions can still find quality health care.

Community Legal Services assists clients who have been denied health care coverage or had their eligibility terminated. If you need help with any of these issues contact CLS, and continue reading below for more information on health care in Florida.