All Central Floridians deserve equal housing opportunities. We can help you determine if you are being discriminated against based on your protected class. The protected classes are race, national origin, color, sex or gender, disabilities, religion, and family situations. These are also known as the seven protected traits covered under Fair Housing.
Before you begin housing-related negotiations or agreements, know your rights. The Federal Fair Housing Act, in addition to Florida’s own housing laws, protects you against discrimination. Our resources can help you understand how to recognize the different forms of discrimination so that you will know when it happens to you.
This information is just as important to sellers and landlords as it is to buyers and renters. Discrimination can be intentional or unintentional. Becoming familiar with Fair Housing laws can keep you from unknowingly engaging in discriminatory practices and help avoid expensive litigation.
Fair Housing protections extend beyond just buying or renting a home — they cover the lending process as well. Discrimination can happen just as easily when you are involved in a home loan or mortgage, and the law is on your side if it does.
The topics below will walk you through what housing discrimination is, what laws protect you, how to avoid taking part in it, how to proceed if you are the victim, and how this all affects the lending process.
If you believe you are the victim of housing discrimination,
contact CLS for legal advice (800-405-1417).
Apply Online:
Click here to apply online at any time.
Housing Providers and Fair Housing Laws
Lending Discrimination
Disability Rights in Housing