Advisory Council

Advisory Council

The Advisory Council is founded on the premise of providing executive-level advice, counsel, and direction to ensure the continued success of executing Community Legal Service’s mission of providing Legal Access for All. This elite group of community leaders is devoting their wisdom, professional expertise, and time.
  • Dick Batchelor

    Former State Representative, DBMG Inc.

  • Chris Carmody

    Government Relations, Attorney, Gray Robinson

  • John Crossman

    President, Crossmarc Services

  • Tiffany Hughes

    COO, UCF College of Business

  • Kent Johnson

    SVP of Finance Operations, AdventHealth

  • Bill McCollum

    Former Florida Attorney General, Congressman, Denton US

  • Brandon Siler

    Founder and President of Legacy Pro Sports

Not pictured:

Benjamin Barros, Dean & Professor of Law, Stetson University College of Law 

Cecil Howard, Associate Provost & Interim Dean, FAMU College of Law 

Mel Martinez, Former Senator, Former Secretary Housing and Urban Development 

Tico Perez, Attorney, National Executive Board Member, Scouting America 

Joshua Truitt, CEO, Complete Parachute Solutions